Vaginal Infections

What is vaginitis (vaginal infections) ?


Vaginitis is inflammation of vaginal mucosa and one of the most reported diseases that people need to go for a gynecologist. Vaginitis affect %90 of all teenage women and %30 of these incidents follwup by a second second or more infections.


Vaginal flow normally works as a lubricant for vaginal area because area needs to stay moisturized.

Pregnancy, sexual urge and ovarium activity can increase this vaginal discharge. So the increase of vaginal discharge is not always a case of emergency problem.

But increased amount and color changes on vaginal discharge, itching, burning and bad smell might be a pointing out there is a problem. Vaginitis is not a fatal disease but if not treated early and correctly, might cause more serious problems in the future.



How vaginitis occur?


Vaginitis usually caused (%90) by these 3


Fungi (Candida albicans)

Bacteria ( Gardnerella vaginalis)

Parasites ( Trichomonas vaginalis)


Besides these Chlamdyia and Microplasm group bacteries: Neisseria gonorrhoea, Escherichia coli, Giardia lamblia, Balantidum coli, Entamoeba histolytica ve Ureaplasma urealiticum are suspects of vaginitis table


One of the main reasons of vaginitis is vaginal microflora being corrupted and change of Ph of the area

can cause the vaginitis alone or both mixed at the same time.


What are the frequent vaginitis types ?


kandidal vulvovajinit is the most common type of vaginitis caused by fungi.


What is vaginal fungi infection ?

Commonly encountered vaginitis type candidal vulvovaginitis is caused by a yeast fungi named Candida abricans. This fungi causes damaage on membranes and skin. This vaginitis got encountered by %75 of all women at least once in their life. And half of them see it twice or more times.


What are the symptoms for candidal vulvovaginitis ?


Main symptom is powerful urge of itching and burns near the vaginal area. And vaginal dischare increases due to these symptoms as well.

What causes this infection ?

Normally mouth,throat, colon and vaginal flora houses these fungi. But changes in the body balance for example pregnancy or diabetes etc can cause this infection.


How to treat candidal vulvovaginitis ?

To treat it you need antifungal medicine that is either orally or by applying around vaginal area.


What is bacterial vaginitis ?

Women at their pregnancy ages get garnerella vaginalis or some non specific vaginitis bacteria very common. This disease changes vaginal microflora and vagina loses the healthy bacteria inside the vagina. This disease usually go without symptoms and stays silent so it is hard to tell when it occurs or how frequent it occurs. But %20 of all gynecologist patiences and %30 of all pregnant women encounter this problem


What are the sypmtoms ?

The most direct symtpoms are fishy smell from the vaginal dischare because other symptoms might vary or not seem enough about this disease.


What causes it ?

RIA usage vaginal cleaning and pregnancy.


How to treat it ?


Oral or vaginal antibiotics are used to treat this disease.


What is tricomonal vaginitis ?

Cause of this is a parasite comes from sexual activity and it effects 180 million people around the world.


What are the symptoms of tricomonal Vaginitis ?

The symptoms are pain after mensturation period and pregnancy. One of the most common symtpom is bad smell and increased vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge will seem yellow-green colors. Pain while sexual intercourse, burning while urinating and some also reported pain on their lower abdomen.


What are the causes of tricomonal vaginitis?

Since this is a sexually transferred parasite you get this parasite if your partner also have this disease or carries the parasite.


How to treat it ?

This disease treated by antiprotosal medicine taken orally. And for the efficiency of the treatment, the partner should also get treated so the disease wont get repeated after sexual intercourse.


What are the factors causing you to get vaginitis more easily ?


-Tight clothing

-Hormonal balance being broken by pregnancy


-usage of birth control pills

-Wrong personal hygiene methods

-Weak immunity system



What you can do to prevent vaginitis ?


Hygiene, is the main factor to prevent this from happening to you. Change of underpants everyday and ironing them is helpful.


Overly cleaning and usage of soap can clean the vaginal discharge which covers the area from bacteria and causes harmful bacteria to enter your body. Dont use shared baths and swimming pools with lots of chloride usage. Long period of tampon and daily sanitary pad usage also increases the effects. Cleaning of your genital area should be done from front to back. By doing this bacteria of anus can’t be pushed inside your vaginal area.


Syntetic clothing and very thigt jeans should be avoided. Thight pants will increase heat near your vagina so it can increase fungi presence. Bikinis and swimsuits are wet for long period of time so they are also harmful to put on for a long time.


Long periods of uncontrolled antibiotics usage can also cause this problem. Never take antibiotics before asking to your doctor. Having lots of sugar in your diet can also increase this risk.


While on vaginitis treatment you should avoid having sexual intercourse to lower the risk of infections.